Here is a screen shot from their sales page:

Click the image to see a larger view.
When the voice2page affiliate program was launched mid year of 2006 the voice play ads were not live and the user base was a fraction of what it is now. During the period of the original affiliate program not one single affiliate or user was paid one cent for "advertising plays" but PayPerPlay continues to tout these claims.
In a recent email from voice2page to the original affiliates they have offered them refunds of affiliate payments paid in. Many have received refunds but none have ever been paid one cent for ad plays like PayPerPlay is touting.
The real question who mislead who? Did voice2page mislead PayPerPlay or is Pay Per Play intentionally misleading new affiliates to the netaudioads affiliate program?
I really hope all the PPP nay sayers are proven wrong. Especially in regards to everyone who has put much time, effort and money into the program.
I like the concept having seen my AdNONsense revenues dropping month by month while my site hits have increased. I can see this as a much better revenue source than Google, so I can't wait to beta test PayPerPlay since it is free to see.
Good luck to all,
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